Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars

About the Journal

The annual publication Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars (APFS) contains the apparent places of 64 stars from the Sixth Catalogue of Fundamental Stars (FK6). The booklet also includes explanations and examples.  Right Ascensions (RA) and Declinations (DEC) are given with respect to the true equator and equinox.  The apparent places of 60 stars are listed for every tenth upper culmination. In the case of four pole stars the apparent places are listed for every upper culmination. A further table simplifies the computation of apparent and mean sidereal time.

The complete APFS data for 879 FK6 stars can be obtained from the web page at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI) in Heidelberg (Germany) at At this address links are also provided to determine apparent places for the Gaia DR3 catalogue.

Online Version and Print Version

Starting with the year 2024 the APFS appear here at heiJOURNALS Open Access. The booklet can be downloaded as a PDF document free of charge, it is now published under the Creative-Commons-license CC BY 4.0.

The booklet can also be purchased as print version for 14,- EUR plus shipping, orders can be placed via E-mail to It can also be bought/ordered from book stores in Germany.

Robert W. Schmidt, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg, July 2024

Current Issue

Cover of the book Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 2024
Published: 2024-07-25